Early this morning I took a drive to the market to pick up some items for supper tonight. Sitting in my car at a light a man driving a waste disposal truck looked over at me and smiled a warm smile as we waited for red to turn to green. I had just been at the market where a woman asked me what the bunch of greens were I was holding and then asked me how to cook collard greens. While at the deli there a man whom I didn't know he told me a joke and we laughed together. At the check out the clerk told me I had beautiful skin; I thanked her.
All of these strangers added pleasant moments to my day. I am thankful for the kindness and company of strangers.
All of these strangers added pleasant moments to my day. I am thankful for the kindness and company of strangers.
When you're young you don't really appreciate it but at my age if a man smiles at me, I'm having a good day for the rest of the day!! Good post.