A commission to implore each of us
to see that having global reach
is the right thing to do;
"whatsoever you do for the least of them
you do for me."
A heart which insists
on giving equally to all beings,
with an insistance that reaches
beyond family.
Humans are guarenteed to be enriched
by insuring the comfort of others.
A world or nation asked to be compelled
to lend their time, talent, and resources
falls on deaf politics.
Not one resting in the fact
that you reap the society you sow.
What's wrong with money spread equally
for food, shelter, medicine?
They speak of decreased quality
without evidence.
Willing hearts
a self promise to remain mindful of others
is what it would take.
A gentle, caring, thoughtful world
is impossible with selfish
and judgemental lines like:
" Let them earn their own money;
They're all lazy;
I want a better car
and bigger house
and better things than my neighbor."
One human emotion kindled
would heal the whole world.
The philosophy
of human kindness
is called socialism
and would be bad
for the greedy country.
How can humans watch, listen and feel
the suffering and not want everyone to eat
and be able to go to the doctor
and have shelter?
Why do humans want to live in a country
where giving to
charities is the standard
and having a nation with a charitible nature
is not desirable?
to see that having global reach
is the right thing to do;
"whatsoever you do for the least of them
you do for me."
A heart which insists
on giving equally to all beings,
with an insistance that reaches
beyond family.
Humans are guarenteed to be enriched
by insuring the comfort of others.
A world or nation asked to be compelled
to lend their time, talent, and resources
falls on deaf politics.
Not one resting in the fact
that you reap the society you sow.
What's wrong with money spread equally
for food, shelter, medicine?
They speak of decreased quality
without evidence.
Willing hearts
a self promise to remain mindful of others
is what it would take.
A gentle, caring, thoughtful world
is impossible with selfish
and judgemental lines like:
" Let them earn their own money;
They're all lazy;
I want a better car
and bigger house
and better things than my neighbor."
One human emotion kindled
would heal the whole world.
The philosophy
of human kindness
is called socialism
and would be bad
for the greedy country.
How can humans watch, listen and feel
the suffering and not want everyone to eat
and be able to go to the doctor
and have shelter?
Why do humans want to live in a country
where giving to
charities is the standard
and having a nation with a charitible nature
is not desirable?